Holistic Counselling

Holistic counselling treats the individual as a whole being, rather than simply addressing symptoms or specific issues. A holistic counsellor considers the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects of a client delving deeper than regular counselling to reveal underlying causes of emotional distress. They utilise a wide range of techniques and therapies to assist their clients.

Counselling sessions are held confidentially and in a non-judgemental way. Through active listening the situation and needs of each client are understood and a personalised plan developed utilising modalities relevant to each specific clients’ needs.

Some of the modalities and specific counselling techniques used in Holistic Counselling can include;

  • Self Esteem and Motivational Counselling,
  • Relaxation Counselling
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Life Skills Counselling
  • Social Relationships Counselling
  • Colour Therapy
  • Dream Analysis
  • Crystals and Gemstone Therapy
  • Spirit Guide Awareness
  • Numerology and Astrology
  • Palmistry
  • Flower Remedies
  • Art and Colour Therapy
  • Chakra Healing