Foot Detox


The Ion Cleanse machine from Direct Release Ionic Foot Spa is a system which generates and emits a stream of positive and negative Ions. supporting the bodys natural equilibrium. Direct Release Ionic Foot Spa is a pain free, rapid and effective way to detox the body without having to take expensive tablets or spend weeks drinking nothing but juices. Simply by using our Direct Release Ionic Foot Spa, you will be able to detox once a week for six weeks then once a month for three months then start again with the six week programe and enjoy detoxing in the privacy of your own home!

What is a Detox Foot Spa?

Direct Release Ionic Foot Spa is a non-invasive therapy, which re-energises the body and helps support the body to detoxify naturally, helping restore your natural equilibrium and well being. During a foot detox spa course the Ion Cleanse unit delivers a small amount of low level, electrical current into the array (electrode), which results in a reaction between the array, the water and the and increase the ionisation effect), to generate positively and negatively charged ions. When the feet are placed in the water the interaction of the positive and negative ions re-energises, re-vitalises and supports the body’s innate ability to re-balance and achieve a higher state of well being.

How does it work?

In a healthy person, your body should have 80% negative electricity (usually known as negative ions) and 20% positive electricity (positive ions). Step 1 The array is placed into a basin of clean water with your feet. Step 2 To increase water conductivity and improve the ionization effect. Step 3 The Ion Cleanse delivers positive and negative current intermittently into the array. Step 4 The array generates a stream of positive and negative ions. Step 5 Relax and enjoy a soothing 30-minute course.

The Direct Release Ionic Foot Spa ion cleanse is a rapid and effective way to detoxify the body without having to take expensive tablets or drink nothing but juice for weeks.